Leave other than the gazetted holidays, will not be granted except in exceptional circumstances of genuine nature. No leave will be granted for attending weddings, excepts the weddings of real brothers and sisters.
Cadets are permitted to contact their parents on telephone on every Sunday from 8:00 AM hours to 17:00 PM for this purpose; Official Telephones are available in all Wings to facilitate the cadets in communicating with their parents during the stated hours on Sunday.
Cadets are not allowed to keep any extra money with them. Parents may give extra money to House Master who keeps the record and will give it to Cadets and when they need for trivial matters. If any cash more than 2000/- is found with Cadet, the amount will be confiscated.
It is a forum to share detail of academic performance, discipline issues and financial matters of Cadets, if any. Parent Teacher Meetings days would be published in annual calendar. However first & the last Sunday of each month is dedicated for visiting cadets in the college cafeteria.