Pishin, Balochistan, Pakistan 0826-421253 / 0826-421251 ccpn86700@gmail.com & info86700ccpn@gmail.com



Information Technology is given due consideration in academic courses. CCPN has well established IT lab with qualified IT Instructor to take IT classes. Cadets are given orientation on IT needs and its importance in professional life during the present era.


CCPN has three (Biology, Chemistry & Physics) well equipped science laboratories with all necessary equipments, salts, and apparatus. Therein, Cadets carry out practical’s of relevant subjects on regular basis.

English Language Lab

To provide the cadets an ample exposure to spoken English, the college has established a well-equipped language lab. Cadets are given enough opportunity to polish their four language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) under the guidance of trained teachers.


Library with hundreds of Reference Books, Science and Arts books is also available at CCPN to promote reading culture amongst the Cadets. Cadets are required to spend time for reading in library and enhance their mental capacity while seeking knowledge.


Counselling is an important building block for grooming of Cadets that helps to eradicate numerous problems confronted by them in practical life. Trained teachers are always available for Cadets' Counseling on different issues/matters with an aim to guide them psychologically and academically.